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Nurse Practitioner Sabrina Snedaker is a real trooper. She has been leading the WellMed at Deltona clinic practically on her own for the past 18 months. She has a stellar team to support her, she says, but she is currently the only clinician seeing patients for most of each week. But the hectic schedule doesn’t dampen her passion for her profession and for taking care of her patients.
“Nurse practitioners have had to prove ourselves with patients and build up our reputations,” she said. “But when I see the positive impact we have on patients – when I see their numbers controlled and their health improving – that’s what keeps me energized and moving.”
Sabrina says she is proud of the team at Deltona. “As a team, we make it happen. Our scores are some of the highest; despite our challenges, we are chugging along, and our patients certainly don’t suffer,” she said.
Sabrina earned her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from Florida International University. She worked as a nurse in two hospital settings before earning her master’s degree from Florida Atlantic University. She sat for her exam and became a nurse practitioner in 2018. After working with a private practice and finding limited room for growth, she joined WellMed three years ago.
“When I first learned about WellMed I was intrigued. What I liked was the growth of the organization and the great reviews,” she said. “I did my research. And since joining WellMed, I’ve been amazed how long people stay with the company.”
Sabrina says she has always had a love of math and working with numbers. “I started college as an accounting major, but I got to statistics for business and decided it wasn’t for me,” she said. With lots of medical career relatives, Sabrina was inspired to look into the field. When she discovered she had finished the prerequisites required for nursing, she applied to nursing school, and the rest is history.
Sabrina isn’t stopping now, though. “There’s a national shortage of nurses and faculty for nursing schools, so one of my goals is to teach and help the next generation take over. I look forward to when that time comes.”
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