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Bernice Hurse

Patient of Dr. Riya Joseph, WellMed at South Buckner, Dallas

Many doctors want their patients to drop a few pounds, but when Bernice Hurse started to lose weight dramatically and mysteriously, her doctor became concerned.

Dr. Riya Joseph, who had been Bernice’s primary care physician for only a few months, knew Bernice had a strong history of cancer in her family. She ordered a CT scan, which revealed a mass on her kidney. Bernice is now doing well following a successful surgery to remove the mass and is gaining back healthy weight.

“I don’t know how long I would have gone without having that treated,” Bernice said. “Thank goodness for Dr. Joseph.”

Dr. Joseph’s possibly life-saving intervention is one of the reasons Bernice says she’s a WellMed super fan.

“I was in the clinic lobby one day and a new patient came in and was looking for a doctor,” Bernice said. “I piped right up and told her she wouldn’t find anyone better than Dr. Joseph. She takes really good care of me and I feel comfortable talking to her. I know she’s busy, but she takes the time to listen to me.”

She also sings praises of the clinic staff. “They are all so friendly, and they return your calls, which is so important. I like to go into the clinic and take them donuts or other goodies. They like it, and I like doing it for them because they are so wonderful to me.”