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Isabel “Cristy” Naranjo

Physician epitome of compassionate care

Picture of Isabel “Cristy” Naranjo

“I recommended my mom to the clinic when I saw the special treatment they give to our patients, and that’s what I wanted for her.”

As clinic administrator at Optum – Little Havana in Miami, Florida, Isabel “Cristy” Naranjo knows good patient care when she sees it. That’s why she urged her mom, Zunilda Naranjo, to join the WellMed Network and become a patient at her clinic about 13 years ago.

“I recommended my mom to the clinic when I saw the special treatment they give to our patients,” Cristy said. “That’s what I wanted for her.”

Cristy’s mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease six years ago, just after her husband passed away. She also had COVID-19 about three years ago, which landed her in the hospital, and after, in a rehabilitation facility for a month. Her doctor, Dr. Francisco Solis, was there for her, and for Cristy, every step of the way.

“He coordinated with our medical director Dr. Mario Siervo and they both went the extra mile to make sure my mom would have the best treatment,” Cristy said. “It was especially important because she was not able to speak much or have much knowledge of her medical condition.”

Zunilda, who was living with Cristy by this time, never fully recovered from her illness and became more and more fragile before beginning hospice care. She passed away in April at 91.

Throughout Zunilda’s decline, Dr. Solis was there. When Zunilda turned 91 in February, Dr. Solis and Raquel Lopez, a registered nurse at Little Havana, celebrated her birthday with her and the family, providing balloons, cake and flowers. Dr. Solis also provided in-home medical care for her.

“Before she passed away, he made sure he would go to my house daily to see what was going on,” Cristy said. “He kept in contact with the doctors from hospice and continued to guide them in everything.”

Dr. Solis was also there for Cristy after her mother died, bringing her flowers and a card from her team and offering her a ride or company when she needed it.

“He was very compassionate, a mentor,” Cristy said. “He was supportive during this time of suffering, not only with my mom, but for my family and myself.”

This kind of care is nothing new for Dr. Solis. If a patient is too sick to go to the clinic, he will visit them at home. He also will not turn patients away.

“He makes sure that sick patients who come to the center without an appointment get taken care of, even if he has a busy schedule or he is in administrative time,” Cristy said.